

Response to the cry of the earth

The Response to the Cry of the Earth is a call to protect our common home for the wellbeing of all, as we equitably address the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, and ecological sustainability. A proposed set of actions to make progress towards this goal includes the following (to be finalized in the coming months).

  • Protecting the climate by installing solar panels, insulating buildings, buying renewable energy credits where available, and installing cleaner or more efficient cookstoves or appliances.
  • Protecting biodiversity by planting native trees, planting native gardens, removing invasive species, practicing regenerative agriculture, and protecting pollinators.
  • Protecting waterways and land by ensuring sensible fertilizer use, instituting drop irrigation and other conservative irrigation models, planting waterway buffers, avoiding the installation of impermeable surfaces around buildings, instituting regular litter removal and prevention campaigns, and pursuing conservation schemes