

Community Engagement and Participatory Action

Community Engagement and Participatory Action encourage the development of cultures and policies that protect our common home and all who share it. A proposed set of actions to make progress towards this goal includes the following (to be finalized in the coming months).

  • Advocating for social and ecological causes by identifying a social/environmental policy focus, organizing public and/or private community events with officials to discuss advocacy issues, maintaining a regular review of policies and sharing updates with the community, and having a community leader make public statements about advocacy issues.
  • Engaging the wider public by organizing social/ecological events, regularly exploring the local ecosystem as a group, and writing for local newspapers or commenting on local news stories related to Laudato Si’ themes.
  • Developing a social response to shared challenges by collaborating with leaders to identify ways the Church can support your social/ecological programs and developing a community coalition to prepare for and respond to emergent social crises.
  • Developing resilience by analyzing the physical, social, and spiritual ways your community is likely to be affected by climate change and biodiversity loss and making a plan to resiliently prepare for those changes, ensuring buildings are prepared for changes in heat, storm intensity, and sea-level rise, and ensuring members of the community are able to travel to other locations in the event of a weather emergency.