Mission and Function
Mission: Within Religious Congregations and the Church, to promote and implement Catholic Social Teaching, Human Dignity, Special Concern for the Human Rights of the Marginalized and Support for Environmental Ecology.
- Following analysis of topics of social concern and challenges to be faced, to provide relevant information to members of the Association of Major Religious Superiors and Women and Men Religious;
- To provide information about preliminary and ongoing education in Catholic Social Teaching and opportunities for it;
- To encourage Religious Congregations to engage in dialogue and show solidarity with justice and peace issues that are of international concern, including human rights and the protection of environmental ecology;
- For designated topics, to communicate with dioceses and cooperate with them, likewise between Religious Congregations;
- To speak out on behalf of marginalized and oppressed persons;
- To establish contact and cooperation between Religious communities or works and non-governmental organizations or other civic society groups;
- To support causes and actions initiated by the Association of Major Religious Superiors and its members.