
Sunday - Parishes and Dioceses

Lord of Creation, we pray for our parishes and dioceses, that they may be attentive to the Cry of the Earth and promote clean energy, ensure clean air and water for all, protect your creation, and its biodiversity and climate, in particular. May we re-discover our original vocation as carers of our common home and of one another.

Monday - Families

Lover of the poor, we pray for all families that they may be “the place in which life – the gift of God – can be properly welcomed and protected”. May they be especially attentive to the Cry of the Poor and work toward the fullness of life for all, especially for the most vulnerable and neglected members of our common family.

Tuesday - Economy

Provident God, help us bring “together the different fields of knowledge, including economics,” and promote “new models of integral development”. May we work towards a new economic paradigm at the service of common good, “leaving no one behind”.

Wednesday - Hospitals

Caring God, we pray that our institutions, especially our hospitals and health care centres, may grow in the capacity to care. May we all understand and value how concrete gestures and simple lifestyles make it possible for others to live and flourish.

Thursday - Educational Institutions

God of Knowledge and Virtue, assist us to “grow in solidarity, responsibility and compassionate care.” May our schools and universities, in particular, promote education that can help to restore “harmony within ourselves, with others, with nature and other living creatures, and with God.”

Friday - Groups & Organizations

Triune God, help our movements, NGOs, communication centres, and all groups that work for the common good, to develop a spirituality of global solidarity which flows from the mystery of who you are, an interconnected community of love.

Saturday - Religious Orders

God of communion, enables us to become communities of participatory action and advocacy, for the Earth and the poor. Enable our religious communities, in particular, to be prophetic servant leaders in the care of our common home and of the least among us.